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Conservation Meeting Minutes 06/02/2011
 Conservation Commission
Sharon Community Center
           June 2, 2011

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Hank Langstroth, Elizabeth McGrath, Keevin Geller, and Stephen Cremer were the members present. Conservation Commission Member, Christine Turnbull, was absent from the meeting. The Conservation Administrator, Greg Meister, was also present.

7:45 p.m. Signatures: The Commission signed bills.

7:50 p.m. Approval of May 19, 2011 Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the May 19, 2011 Meeting Minutes as presented.
Hank Langstroth moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous. 5-0-0.

8:00 p.m.:  SFOC, President, Kurt Buermann, meeting with the Commission to seek the approval of
the proposed repair/replacement of the existing footbridge at Brook Road/Devil’s Rock:

Kurt presented the Commission with an information pamphlet concerning the proposed Massapoag Brook footbridge that is located at the end of Brook Road. It is referred to as “Ben’s Bridge” on the original map.
The existing 32” wide bridge was built many years ago and is in disrepair. The bridge has been damaged due to vandalism and has shifted from its original position from the recent storm events. ACQ treated lumber products are being proposed for the project.
Kurt reviewed the following scope of the proposed project with the Commission:
  • The proposed site for the new bridge is approximately 27 feet upstream from the existing bridge.
Kurt explained that the new site is important because the existing boulders at the edge of Massapoag Brook would help mitigate erosion for the new bridge. The current bridge site along the bank area is more prone to erosion.
  • The proposed new bridge would be approximately 4 feet wide and constructed with two utility poles and heavy cross planking. The width of the new bridge is being proposed at 36” to make access difficult for ATVs. The utility poles are treated with an eco-friendly preservative. Keevin has volunteered to go to Rhode Island and pick-up the utility poles and deliver them to the site.
  •    The proposed installation of a 2” x 4” edge rail for the new bridge to prevent the cross boards from being pried off by vandals.
  •   The proposed installation of a 4” x 4” wooden handrail on one side of the new bridge includes posts to resist breakage and vandalism. Kurt said that he is a proponent of the handrail knowing how useful it would be, especially for the elderly.
  •   The proposed installation of 6” x 6” timbers to raise the new bridge above the highest estimated water level of Massapoag Brook.
  •   The proposed installation of 6” x 6” timbers approximately 4 feet long and pinned to the ground
     to reinforce the new bridge to the bank of Massapoag Brook.
  • The estimated cost of the proposed new Massapoag footbridge is $1,200.00.
  • Kurt raised $700.00 in funds from Dedham-Savings Bank for the proposed project and is awaiting payment. The SFOC is considering contributing $500.00 for the proposed project.
Kurt said that there is a leaning tree at the bank of the brook that is in danger of falling and is concerned
that it would damage one end of the bridge and the tree’s root system might erode the bank of the brook.
The Conservation Administrator agreed to meet Kurt at the site to examine the condition of the leaning
Comments from the Commission:
Peg asked Kurt what the plans are for the existing bridge if replaced.
Kurt said that perhaps the existing bridge could be used for a project by the Boy Scouts. He suggested
that an 8 foot section of the existing bridge could be used as a footbridge for the small water channel approximately 30 feet away from the existing bridge. The remaining sections could be either disassembled or used as a footbridge to cross other wet areas along the Massapoag Trail.

Page 2 SCC 6/2/11 Meeting Minutes
Peg commented that she would not be in favor of the wooden handrail proposed for the project as it is more likely to be vandalized instead of used properly.
Hank Langstroth said that he would not be in favor of the wooden handrail proposed for the project as it
is something that would need to be maintained and become a liability if unstable.
Keevin Geller stated for the record that he would not be in favor of the wooden handrail.
Stephen Cremer suggested the installation of a wire cable handrail for the new footbridge.  He indicated that this type of handrail would minimize the bridge shifting during the highest storm stream levels if anchored properly on both sides.
It was the consensus of the Commission to approve the design for the proposed new footbridge at Massapoag Brook as follows:
  • The 4’ wide new footbridge shall be constructed with utility poles.
  • The span of the new footbridge shall be straight as opposed to angled.
  • The proposed new footbridge shall be equipped with a cable handrail as opposed to wood.
The Commission agreed to perform an inspection of the proposed project site and requested Kurt to mark the location of the proposed new footbridge.
Kurt explained that there is a team of people, including the Boy Scouts, that are willing to help with the
construction of the new footbridge. He said that Richard Mandell has a lawn tractor that might be useful for transporting the utility poles from the trail entrance on Brook Road to the proposed construction site.
Kurt asked the Commission if they would be able to contribute some funding for this proposed project.
Peg explained that the Commission’s budget is a little low at this time. She said that in view of the past support of the SFOC to the Conservation Commission, the Commission might be willing to contribute funds if the proposed project exceeds $1,200.00.
Stephen Cremer offered some suggestions for obtaining funds for the proposed project such as
advertising in the SFOC Newsletter and the opportunity to pass the hat if the construction of the new footbridge were a community building project.

8:30 p.m.: Hearing Continuance - Amended Order of Conditions for DEP File # SE-280-0490 filed
by Sharon CF II, LP, for the Sharon Commons Lifestyle Center development project:

The Applicant was absent from the meeting.
The Conservation Administrator explained to the Commission that the Peer Review Report from
Tom Houston is still pending.
It was the consensus of the Commission to continue the hearing until a date set by the Applicant.

8:40 p.m.: Old/New Business:

Keevin Geller recused himself from the following hearing because he is the Applicant to the proposed project.
Extension Permit Requested by Keevin Geller for the Erosion Control Project at 216 N. Main Street for the Order of Conditions issued under DEP File #SE-280-0509:       

Keevin explained to the Commission that he is requesting a three-year Extension Permit to redo a portion of the erosion control work to the dam associated with Saw Mill Pond that has been washed out due to the recent heavy spring rains.
It was the consensus of the Commission to approve Keevin Geller’s request.
Peg called for a motion to issue the three-year Extension Permit as requested for the Order of Conditions issued under DEP File # SE-280-0509.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous. 4-0-0.

Keevin Geller re-joined the meeting at this time
9:00 p.m. Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Stephen Cremer moved. Keevin Geller seconded. Voted. Unanimous. 5-0-0.